Thursday 26 May 2011

final touches

the last few days of the set build were stressful and full of panic. here are some of the final touches that we added over the last week.


the panelling, dado and skirting was left until quite late into the project. this is because it was quite tedious work and with everyone doing their own pieces to go into the rooms we ignored it for a while. however when we started it was not as bad as we thought. we simply cut MDF into strips and screwed it into the flats to create the panelling and skirting that we wanted. the dado was routed pieces of pine that were painted and stuck on top of the panelling. once it was all up the inside of the panelling was routed and the whole lot was painted.


the flooring was not something that i was asked to do but was very important. we did it by laying sheets of plywood down and staining them with wood varnish. for something so simple the flooring looked great and i was told off a lot when i trod on it in dusty shoes.

last day

on the day of the photo shoot and filming we had to darken the set and block out the view of the studio. we hung black fabric over all the windows and draped it over the top of the study to make a roof. simon and andy put up cardboard sheets at the top of the drawing room to block out some of the light.

after that we had a small rush of finishing things off. such as getting all furniture in place with all the knick knacks and junk in the room. putting flowers in vases, hanging plates and mirrors and generally just placing the final touches of the room.

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